• Getting Used to Contacts

    Contacts are a smart choice for individuals who are active and dislike the feeling of wearing glasses. However, the process of caring for contacts and getting used to them can take a week or two. Navigate the transition with ease by learning how to properly care for contacts and becoming familiar with

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  • Are Specialty Contacts Dangerous?

    Specialty contact lenses are a fun way to change your eyes to look like your favorite entertainer or to create a spectacular costume. Specialty contacts, sometimes called decorative, fashion or theater contact lenses, temporarily change the look of your eyes without correcting your vision. Eye care professionals

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  • What to Expect During a Routine Eye Exam

    Routine eye exams are straightforward, quick and painless. Most doctors recommend screening your vision on an annual basis to ensure your vision prescription is up to date (or to determine you need one) and to make sure your eyes are healthy. Regular eye exams are the first line of defense against eye

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  • The Science Behind Perfect Eyesight

    It's easy to take vision for granted when the eyes perform flawlessly. However, when eye problems crop up, it's hard not to wonder how the eyes work. In a properly functioning eye, a number of elements must cooperate perfectly to create good vision; just one malfunctioning factor in this instantaneous

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  • Vision Therapy: Not Just For Children

    Vision therapy is a doctor-supervised program that helps people of all ages improve their visual-motor skills. Therapy helps your eyes and brain work together better, even if you have perfect vision. For years, people believed that some types of eye conditions, such as lazy eye or crossed eyes, could

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  • How Vision Problems Affect Learning

    Reading is an instrumental part of your child’s ability to learn. In order to write complete sentences or do mathematical problems, a child must first be able to understand what is on the page in front of them. If your child is suffering from vision problems, it may be drastically interfering with

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  • Allergy Management and Your Eyes

    For those who suffer from allergies, exposure to pets, pollen, or dust mites can quickly lead to red, itchy, watery eyes. Although seasonal allergies are notorious for causing eye symptoms, year-round exposure to allergens can be just as problematic. If you develop itchy, red, irritated, puffy, or watery

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  • 5 Things You Can Do to Protect Your Eye Health

    Protecting your eyesight is an important part of maintaining your quality of life. Here are five simple things you can do to help preserve your vision. 1. Stop Smoking It is no secret that smoking is strongly linked to many health problems; however, did you know that it can also damage your eyes and

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  • Blue Light Exposure: What Is It?

    Is blue light hurting your vision? Find out how the light can affect you.

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  • Is Office Lighting Affecting Your Vision?

    Do your eyes hurt, burn or itch after a day at work? Poor lighting may be to blame for your symptoms. Many companies use inexpensive fluorescent lighting to light large areas because it's a fairly inexpensive option. Unfortunately, your eyes pay the price. What Kinds of Eye Problems Can Fluorescent

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  • Itchy Eyes and Contact Lenses: What to Do When the Itch Won't Stop

    Have you stopped wearing your contacts because your eyes itch? Find out what you can do to end the itch.

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  • Frame Your Face: Which Frames Look Best?

    Finding frames that fit your face, your style and your budget isn't always so easy. It's tempting to just pick the first pair of frames that are barely acceptable than face the daunting task of sorting through hundreds of frames to find the perfect option. Luckily, there are a few tricks you can use

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